CBD Available in Montreal


Whether you’re dealing with back pain, anxiety, or anything in between, there’s a good chance someone has recommended that you give CBD oil a try.

Have you been curious about CBD oil’s effects? Do you want to know how to use it? Are you looking to buy CBD oil in Montreal?

Read on to learn more about CBD and find out what makes Flow CBD different.

What Is CBD Oil?

Before you can understand CBD oil, it’s important to know what CBD is.

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a special type of plant compound called a cannabinoid. Like other cannabinoids, it is found in the cannabis plant.

What makes CBD different, though, is the fact that it doesn’t contain psychoactive properties. It won’t cause you to feel high, unlike THC (short for tetrahydrocannabinol).

CBD oil is formed when CBD is extracted from a cannabis plant and combined with a carrier oil (MCT oil and coconut oil are some of the most popular options).

Types of CBD Oil

When you’re shopping for CBD oil, you’ll see terms like “isolate” and “broad-spectrum” listed on different product labels.

It’s easy to get confused when you come across these terms. When you break them down, though, they’re not too complicated.

Isolate Vs Broad-Spectrum

CBD isolate products contain only CBD and a carrier oil. Broad-spectrum CBD products contain CBD along with other cannabinoids. This includes compounds like CBN (short for cannabinol), CBG (short for cannabigerol), and even a tiny amount of THC (by law, less than 0.3 percent, which is not enough to cause any mind-altering effects).

The Entourage Effect

Both CBD isolate products and broad-spectrum CBD products provide a variety of benefits. Many people see more noticeable results from the broad-spectrum products, though, thanks to something called the Entourage Effect.

Because of the Entourage Effect, cannabinoids like CBD often produce more significant effects when they’re consumed alongside other plant compounds. The different compounds work together to give you more bang for your buck.

Benefits of CBD Oil?

Why would someone turn to CBD oil? It offers a variety of health and wellness benefits, including the following:

Pain Relief

One of the most well-known benefits of CBD is its anti-inflammatory properties. Because it reduces inflammation, CBD is an excellent pain reliever.

Many people notice significant pain reduction when they use CBD oil regularly. Those who struggle with chronic pain or arthritis, in particular, have reported a great deal of relief.

Some athletes who need help with recovery also find that it helps them to relax and reduce tension in their muscles after training.

Anxiety Relief

CBD oil also has powerful anti-anxiety properties. Specifically, it can help to combat the physical signs of anxiety, (racing heart rate, sweaty palms, etc.).

By addressing the physical symptoms of anxiety, you might find it easier to feel calm and in control during stressful situations.

Improved Sleep

Thanks to its calming and anxiety-reducing properties, CBD oil can also help those who have a hard time falling or staying asleep.

After taking CBD oil, it’ll likely be easier for you to calm down and drift off to sleep. CBD can also help with issues that interrupt your sleep, such as Restless Leg Syndrome.

Nausea Relief

Many people turn to CBD oil when they’re struggling with nausea. It’s even recommended for some cancer patients who deal with severe nausea after chemotherapy.

If you’re having a hard time eating or keeping food down because of nausea (caused by any issue, not just chemotherapy), CBD oil might be helpful.

Improved Cognitive Health

CBD may also improve your cognitive health. Because it offers anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties, it has the potential to keep your brain and nervous system functioning properly.

Where to Buy CBD Oil in Montreal

If you want to buy cannabis oil in Montreal, Flow CBD is the place to go. We are dedicated to our customers and do everything we can to provide premium CBD oil tinctures. We also offer other CBD products, such as bath bombs, CBD topicals, and even pet-friendly tinctures.

Flow CBD Oil Tinctures

We know that, when it comes to shopping for CBD products, everyone has different needs and goals. That’s why we offer a wide range of CBD oil tinctures in various strengths, including the following:

  • 250mg CBD tincture
  • 500mg CBD tincture
  • 1000mg CBD tincture
  • 2000mg CBD tincture
  • 3000mg CBD tincture

You can buy our tinctures once to try them out or sign up for a subscription. Our subscription plans allow you to save money, avoid running out of product, and get premium CBD oil delivered right to your door each month.



Do you still have questions about CBD oil? Do you need more answers before you’re ready to pull the trigger?

Here are answers to some of the CBD questions we get asked most often:

Yes! CBD oil does not produce any serious side effects. At worst, some people feel a bit sleepy when they consume too much.

Our dosage guide offers a great starting point for dosing CBD. It will help you to figure out how much CBD you should take to achieve your desired results.

Some people see results from their CBD tinctures right away. However, for others, it may take a couple of weeks to notice improvements.

Be patient and stick with it. If, after a couple of weeks or so, you’re still not noticing changes, you can increase your dose a little.

Now that you know more about CBD oil, its benefits, and how to use it, are you ready to experience the best CBD oil Montreal has to offer?

If so, come shop with us at Flow CBD and prepare to experience the difference our premium, broad-spectrum CBD oil has to offer.

Head to our online store to check out a wide selection of CBD oil products. We also offer free in-store pickup and free shipping on all orders over $175.

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